in the recent years where i was in mapua, no Catholic practices were held. this is one of the things i'm missing in my life. as a girl raised in a Catholic school, with a devotion to always pray, sing songs of God, and participate actively in masses, staying in mapua is a desert for me in terms of this practices.
i always longed for these practices to occur, even just for some time. but i guess the school's not that devoted, as much as they said.
some of my friends were Christians, meaning those who were not Catholics but still believe in Lord Jesus. i am not against them. in fact i was so envious of them for they can still perform their duties as a Christian even in hectic schedules.
there were times that i thought why not be converted into a Christian. in that way, i could still perform the activities that i was longing for. but one thing came across me: how will i give love to Mama Mary if i will be converted?
that's why i am renewing my faith little by little. not under the Christian way, but the usual ways that i have. but now, i have the strong faith in God that i got from my Christian friends. :)
i started again to read the bible which i was supposed to do everyday, either before sleeping or after waking up. i also bought some reading materials. it doesn't matter if the author is a Christian or a Catholic one. as long as it will uplift my spirit in praising Our Lord then it is OK. but i have some preferred authors in the Philippines, like Bo Sanchez.
reading these materials little by little help me to recover the lost practices in the past years. this may sound more of a Christian way but i think it is better to practice both ways. i will still attend the regular masses of the Catholic, sing songs of God, renounce my sins, and read the Bible and live a life less of sin.
in relation to that, i just stumbled upon this message to me by God. :)
On this day of your life, Ma Angelie, we believe God wants you to know ... that a successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. | |
Always with the same person, but deeper and deeper every time. Each time on a whole new level you together open in love and discover the truth of your beloved anew. There is no limit to the beauty of your beloved. If you think you've reached the end, stop generalizing. |
this message, i assume, is meant for a loved-one. i say, this is for God, especially that i've been trying to do my best to proclaim His name in my own ways.
just like having my own realizations for me to follow Jesus' path.
i hope that i will keep going on like this, loving God all the way. :)