"There's nothing that can't be done
if we raise our voice as one"
including myself.
i even managed to stay up until 4 am early this morning just to finish the service that the whole world is watching.
some might be soundly asleep. others might be in their own neverlands. but most of the awake ones were with MJ during his service.
i readied myself from the burst of emotions i'll be experiencing at the latter part of the program, being a crybaby i was. but i took it lightly at first. then sunddenly, i myself can't help from not crying to all the hit songs he had sung from the start of his career until his downfall in the mid '90s being sung by great artists of today.

just at the start of the service, i was really not feeling fine for i just realized that we indeed lost a great icon, not just an artist, but a human. a human who was able to crush down the walls of culture differences which no one was able to do aside from him.
i really don't know on what part of the service did i begin to sob, not just cry. i just felt that there are water flowing from my tired eyes. and it really did help with the realizations i have learned while watching his solemn service.
one of those realizations is that every individual is a MJ fan deep in their hearts. not that ultimate fans who can go gaga over their idol, but those that can appreciate his good music and right moves. i really am not a MJ fan as far as i know. but upon watching his service, i began to learn that somehow i was his fan. i tried to imitate his moonwalk, and tried to sing his songs.
second, he indeed had wrote many many songs, some of which i didin't know that they were his. honestly speaking, i really liked "I'll Be There" and "You Are Not Alone" when i was a little girl who loves music. i didn't know their titles, and the lyrics, but i know the songs in my heart. they were used to be played to me by my father and i kept on singing them without knowing the correct lyrics.
just like the other songs that i liked and loved when i was just little, i never got a chance to search for the name of the artist and the title unlike today. that's why when i heard that mariah carey sang "I'll Be there" (with a guy i really can't recognize who), i was in shocked to know that HE INDEED SANG THAT ONE, while being a member of the Jackson 5.
With "You Are Not Alone", i wasn't expecting that he too sang that. i know thatthe singer might be somehow has golden voice to sing like that. i even thought that it might be a girl. but i really didn't expect that it would be him.
with his other hits like "Bad" and "Billy Jean", i know that he sang them but i can't remember the tunes. when i saw ASAP '09 last sunday and they perfromed in that tunes, i jumped in my seat and asked everyone in the house with this statement: Yun ba yon? / Sa kanya ba yon?
before, i was not that struck with the news of his death. now, knowing how big he influenced me, i was speechless. we really indeed loast someone that great.
Berry Gordy, one of his close firends who gave eulogy awhile ago, said that "He is simply... the greatest entertainer ever lived". i agree with that, with all the things he had done for all the charity foundations he had helped, with all the artists he had inspired to hone their crafts, with all the chart-topping hits he had sung, he is trully the greatest.
i noted down some of citations to MJ and i really liked one from Berry Gordy again. "When he did that iconic moonwalk, it was magic!". truly, we were captivated by his magic of dance and music. and i'm sure that no matter what happened, that signature move of his will forever stay, as well as his classic hits.
of all the people who gave speeches to the late King of Pop, i can say that i was really touched from Brooke Shield's, Marlon Jackson's, and of course, Paris Jackson's. i laughed with the whole world with Magic Johnson's. i had many realizations with that of the two pastors (sorry, i forgot the names but theirs were also great).
of all the performances, i cried a lot with Jermain Jackson's Smile. i started crying mildly with Mariah Carey's I'll Be There. but no performances can beat We Are The World and Heal The World as the last songs of the night. i really burst out my emotions while singing with the choir.
MJ, wherever you are, if you're on your own Neverland out there, thank you for the moves and the grooves. Thank you for the beats and the hits. We are trully honored to have someone like you for the past 50 years, although i'm a '90s baby.
"I am here and I live forever."
Michael Joseph Jackson
1958 - 2009