

Disclaimer: This post has been made by Bunny Javier, a good friend of mine. Everything stated in here is merely her opinions and thoughts on having no relationship in this Yuletide season, a feeling that I can totally relate to.

No edits has been made in this note. Permission to re-post it has been acquired as well. If, by any means, you're going to re-post and translate it as well, please seek permission from me and the original writer by commenting below. I can contact Bunny for you.

Original post can be found here however due to privacy settings, it won't be seen by those who are not her friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!


Where I Am Now?

It has been  2 months and 10 day since I got employed in the call center industry, and  a month and 7 days since I started taking up calls.

How am I right now? Am I doing fine?

If I get to answer those questions above in all honesty, I am saying 'No, I am not fine and I am not feeling well and sure about this anymore'.

This is news to me, I, being a fighter, don't just say suddenly that I am not sure about something as early as this. I usually fight until my last breath, until the end. However, if I don't get these feelings out from my system I believe I will break down. Completely.