it's been a while since i blog something here. well, for some reasons, all of my blogs here are cross-posted from my multiply site.
i made this account for a reason: i can't access my multiply account and i wanted so much to blog down something. good thing that they didn't close down the site.
the last time i gained access my multiply accounts was last month. but due to some connection problems (i think), i wasn't able to connect again to the server.
this was my 2nd tome to experience such trouble. it's a big fuss for me for i always check on my multiply accounts. it was my haven in the internet world. i keep posting and posting pictures anywhere but there.
and last month i was given the opportunity to be one of the admin of the TKA multiply group. i was doing and fulfilling the job. until then.
what will i do? what really happened to my multiply accounts? to think i have so many albums to upload. what will my groupmates in TKA think of me? waah!
oh well...
gotta know the reason behind my inability to access the multiply accounts.
if this will show up in my multiply accounts, please be reminded, that i did this blog in my blogspot site originally. thanks. :)