
Unexpected on a Monday

It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun...
Not really... well, maybe some...

I wasn't really expecting that today's gonna be the day where I will leave my workplace for 5 month. Just imagine that your boss will suddenly call you amidst all your pending works just to blurt out that today, yes today, you will be laid-off earlier than the date of the end-of-contract.

Yes, you got it right. Effective tomorrow, I will be one of 7.3% who are currently unemployed, that's about 2.9 million who has no jobs here in the Philippines.

Thou I have reasons of not continuing the work until I get promoted, it's so sudden for me to be relieved from work. I mean, I readied myself to say goodbye to the folks that I have been with for the past few months, but only on Friday, not today!
notice that the date were changed for today

Even my co-workers [who apparently are so close to me] shocked upon hearing the news. Of all days, why have a lay-off on a Monday? Why not on a Friday? More so, I wasn't informed that the one who will cover-up my position will arrive today.

Good thing that my close co-workers consoled for me. They really are the best co-workers in the entire planet! Thou we may have age differences [me being the youngest], all our minds clicked together. I will surely miss all of you!

This might be a bittersweet end in my part, I still thank them for many things, for the lessons in life that one will just learn in the workplace, for many encounters in life that I didn't expect to meet [one being able to own some clothes and pairs of shoes of ZARA].

Thank you for the 5 memorable months of work, of laughter [with my girls], of happiness, and of stress.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.