
konnichiwa ryuu, sayonara usagi ^^

gonna get goin' y'all ;]
i'm just hatchin' :3

Just a few hours remaining before we bid goodbye to the hoppy rabbit and welcome the wet dragon.

As we welcome the new year, have we made something significant this year? Have we accomplished something extraordinary? I won't ask about the New Year's Resolutions for I know that many didn't able to meet them. Hehe :D

This year, as I had sent as an entry to Fran and Andre's Jumpstart program on Monster Radio RX 93.1, was a rollercoaster ride for me. It was fun at the beginning of the year, thanks to my extracurricular activities with Mapua DanceCom thou i'm in the midst of finishing our feasibility study and at the same time juggling my time on the Undergrad Review for ACT students and attending to my Internship at an auditing firm.

The middle of the year, it was a rough ride. Thanks to the defense of our study [that I really hate, due to that one aprticular panel member], plus the endless processing of our requirements for graduation which made us go to Mapua Intramuros back and forth for a lot of times. Good thing we were able to finish them on-time for our commencement exercises last August.

But of course, I still have a bitter-sweet ending for the year. With lots of blow-by-blow events and activities happened at the last trimester of the year.

Beginning of September, I got the chance to participate in Orange Dance Studio's Decade of Dance. Come end of September, I was finally hired by ZARA Philippines as an Accounting Staff/Clerk [they seemed to be of the same definition]. This seemed to be okay but then the Review for CPA-wannabes had started at the end of November, my social life is affected now! :))

Thou I seemed to be busy, I never forget to at least enjoy life on my own. I was able to attend different conventions of my interests and hobbies, got chances of meeting new people, and interact with them.

Come December. I didn't expect this month will be wickedly great! I just happened to try joining promos on RX 93.1. Not only that I was able to participate with them on the Lock & Load event last December 17, 2011, I also met great people!

This may not be the best year so far [and I may have lots of regrets] I still can say I enjoyed this year.

I just hope that Ryuu's Year will be great for me. Here's a slice of 2012's luck (Chinese Horoscope):
There will not be too many dull moments in 2012 for those born under the sign of the Horse. There may be quite a few changes on the home front this year. You will do exceptionally well career wise this year. March will be a good time if you are thinking of a job change. It would be advisable for you to follow a proper diet and take adequate rest this year with such a hectic schedule all through the year. If you meet someone special, try not to come on too strong as it can be a major turn off. Financially, you need to be more careful as certain losses are indicated. These may be the result of certain hasty decisions on your part. It’s important that you don’t jump in and analyse even the minute details for a positive year ahead. Keep strong emotions like possessiveness and jealousy at bay to avoid tense situations. The south is lucky and the month of June brings happiness. Dress in your lucky colour green for added charm.

And the Western one is this:
“Try to be less hesitant” is the advice that zooms out bright from the Aquarius Horoscope 2012. Carefree yet focused, creative yet confused, at times the water bearer tends to be much of a procrastinator.

This leads to unwanted inhibitions and hesitations. The Aquarius astrology update for 2012 would have circumstances where the only way out would be spontaneity. The troublesome affairs of last year ceases for good, but being hesitant to new ideas and people will only bring the same stagnation back.

Your social life will improve manifolds as does your family life. Owing to a job change or a career move might take you to a new land amidst new people. Socializing is on the cards! As you meet new people, make friends you get the scope to learn about various aspects. 

The Aquarius horoscope 2012 reveals few other important facts on other areas such as love, work, money and relationships. 

read more here...

I just wish for a fruitful and meaningful year, no matter what happened. And also, I don't believe that it'll be the end of the world next year. Only God knows when will be the end.

May the Water Dragon pour all kinds of luck and good vibes this coming year. 16.5 hours to go before midnight...


Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu Minna!